René d’Anjou (1409–1480), Duke of Anjou and titular king of Naples, is considered the spiritual founder of Lambda Chi Alpha. He gave these exhortations to the knights of the Order of the Crescent:


Moreover, I exhort you out of brotherly love that you hereafter have regard for the dictates of your conscience rather than for any other consideration, that you may please God and that in this world it may help you to do these things which may be to the honor and profit of your body and soul.

  • For the rest, to venerate and honor the Christian religion and its ministers;
  • To sustain the right of poor widows and orphans;
  • Always to have pity and compassion on those in the lower walks of life;
  • To show courtesy and good will to all, in word and deed;
  • To slander no woman whatever for any reason whatever;
  • When you would say anything, to think first, lest you be found untruthful;
  • To flee all dishonest company and encounters so far as in your power lies;
  • To pardon willingly and not to hold spite in our heart toward anyone, in all cases which do not nearly touch your honor;
  • To study to make yourself worthy; so that your honor and fame may be in the crescent always from good to best, [and I say this] notifying you that all the good deeds and acts of prowess which have been done or shall be done by your manliness and the valor of your person shall be, while you are in good standing, written and registered in the chronicles of the Order, for perennial memory.”

— René of Anjou, 1448